fredag 14. oktober 2011

We reach the Atlantic Ocean

Today we've had a long road driving on asfalt, and there is more to come. As you know we have reached our target and crossed Morocco to Tan Tan. We have driven throught dunes, deserts, salt planes, and rocky passages, and small towns. And have now reached the Atlantic Ocean where we have set up camp on the beach.

Our calculation for the trip has gone faster then we thought, but nothing is better then it going smoothly. On our trip we've met other offroad people and journalist that have lots of pictures of our car, and it would be publiched in 2-3 magezines wich would be sold the world over, so the sponsors will be happy. We are greatful for the support from our sponsort, friends, and family. I personally have to thank my beautiful girlfriend back home, hwo is expecting our son in about a months time. Looking forward comming home to take care of them both.

We can say we have reached our gold by being the first Arctic Truck in the west Sahara. And again by experiense we can say to all offroad interested people, and espesially to the Arctic Truck enthusiasts that the car is more than good enough for these trips and conditions.

Then again in some cases we wich the care wasn't that wide, but again it was a huge advantage in steap hills and at least in the sand. The standars thorugh deserts safaries is from a Landrove Deffender wich is a bit narrower, but there was really never no problems by the car being 208cm width.

Tomorrow we continue our jorney along the coast and have about 700km to drive wich will be about 8 hours till we reach the border and into Spain. The ferry will take about an hour. If everything goes to plan we will be home by thursday :-)

Hope sombody special back home would be glad from our early return. More pictures and descriptions and impressions of the trip will be posted when we get home, and have better time to go through all the pictures and reflect more on the trip.

A trip of this magnitude takes some time to settle. The next few days we have over 4000km to drive before we get home, but usually the trip home goes faster. We might take a few stops in Germany to buy some candy and alcohole. Have sendt a few postcards home, but things take time down here so I imagine we'll be home before they do.

David og Martin.

The tires on the Atlantic ocean beach
David dreaming back home to someone special 
 They've got Toyota down here as well :-)
 One person watching Avatar, while the other one is driving
 Cluck, Cluck
 Nice Land Cruise 70 modell
 Our first view of the Atlantic Ocean as we arrive the shoreline
 We shop some fresh lamb meat
 Towing truck in STYLE :-)
 The nights camp on the beach
Heavy moonshine
 woooww..moonshine is strong tonight
 Martin shopping some food for our further journey
 A lot of poverty in Morocco
 We're now between Magidir and Essaouria
 Someone drived to fast??
 Sunset at our camp on the beach at the Atlantic ocean
 Last days hill climbing
 More pics from yesterday
 Driving past Casablanca